Bauhin 2022 – Conference
15 & 16 September 2022, University of Basel, old town of Basel, Switzerland
400 Years of Botanical Collections – Implications for Present-Day Research
International Symposium in honour of Caspar Bauhin (1560-1624)
Caspar Bauhin, (1560-1624) was the first professor of Botany at the University of Basel, and one of the most prominent plant systematists of his time, a forerunner of Linnaeus. He also founded one of the first University Botanical Gardens and collected a herbarium of thousands of plants that survives to today. He published his pioneering Flora of Basel „Catalogus Plantarum circa Basileam sponte nascentium“ exactly 400 years ago – one of the first comprehensive local floras. This international Symposium will trace 400 years back from the origin of local floras and botanical collections to their significance for present-day research in Evolution, Systematics, and Global Change.
Inspiring and show-casing herbarium-based scientific research, in the broadest sense, celebrating 400 years of Caspar Bauhin's pioneering Flora of Basel.
Public lecture
15 September 2022, 18:15h–appr. 19:15h, Bernoullianum, large lecture room, University of Basel, Bernoullistrasse 32, Basel
Prof. Richard B. Primack, Boston University: Climate change effects on wildflowers, trees and birds. Building on the observations of the famous American environmental philosopher Henry David Thoreau, author of «Walden». (Talk in English)
Scientific Committee
- Tinde van Andel, Clusius Professor History of botany and gardens, Leiden University and Naturalis, NL
- Freek Bakker, Professor of Molecular Systematics, Wageningen University, NL
- Mark Carine PhD, Principal Curator in Charge, Botanical Collections, Natural History Museum London, UK
- Stefan Eggenberg PhD, Head National Data and Information Center on the Swiss Flora (InfoFlora), Bern
- Jason Grant, Professor of Biology and Director of the Herbarium, University of Neuchatel
- Flavio Häner PhD, Historian of Science and Collections, Cultural Property Protection Expert, Basel
- Ansgar Kahmen, Professor of Botany, Director Botanical Garden and Herbarium, University of Basel
- Gudrun Kadereit, Professor of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants, Head Botanical Garden and Herbarium, University of München, DE
- Austin Mast, Professor of Biology and Director of the Godfrey Herbarium, Florida State University Tallahassee, USA
- Reto Nyffeler PhD, Curator of Phanerogams, University of Zurich
- Richard B. Primack, Professor of Biology, Boston University, USA
- Michelle Price, Professor of Plant Systematics and Biodiversity, University of Geneva; Head of Science and Head of the Cryptogamic Herbarium, Conservatory and Botanical Garden of Geneva, Vice-Chair of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF).
- Verena Schünemann, Professor of Paleogenetics, University of Zurich & University of Vienna
- Yvonne Willi, Professor of Ecology, University of Basel
Organizing Committee
- Jurriaan de Vos PhD, Curator Herbaria Basel and Botanical Garden, University of Basel
- Jürg Stöcklin, Professor emeritus of Botany, President of the Basel Botanical Society
- Sylvia Martinez MSc, Dept of Environmental Science – Botany, University of Basel
Sylvia Martinez
Dept of Environmental Sciences – Botany
University of Basel
Schönbeinstrasse 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Program & conference booklet
Conference venue

University of Basel
Main building (Kollegienhaus)
Petersplatz 1
Lecture room 120 (1st floor)
4051 Basel – Switzerland
Important Dates
01 March 2022
Call for submission & registration
15 June 2022, extended to 03 July 2022
Abstract submissions (closed)
15 July 2022
Confirmation of contribution acceptance/rejection (completed)
After 15 August 2022
Registration remains open for late-registration