Types of contribution
• Oral presentation
The length of an oral presentation is limited to 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. There will be no parallel sessions.
• Poster contribution
Each posters is allotted one (marked) board. Bring along a A0-portrait size poster. It will remain on display during the entire conference. Poster session is Thursday, 15 Sept, 15:10h.
• Topics
Contributed talks and posters should reflect the conference aim of inspiring and show-casing herbarium-based scientific research, in the broadest sense. Interdisciplinary contributions are encouraged.
Guidelines for submission
- To propose a contribution (oral or poster), you should submit an abstract by email, i.e., in addition to your registration via the web form.
- The abstract must be submitted in English and may not exceed 250 words nor contain foot notes.
- We prefer plain-text format (txt), or other editable text format, avoid pdf and images.
- Check all information thoroughly before submitting, as all information for selected contributions will be published as submitted.
- File name: Lastname_Firstname_Bauhin2022_abstract
- Send your abstract including author information as an email attachment to bauhin2022@clutterunibas.ch
Author information
- Please provide complete and accurate information on all contributing authors.
- This includes the full name, institution/organisation, location and email address of each (co-)author.
- The person making the submission is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
- The information will be printed as submitted.
- Please use an institute-e-mail address, not a personal one.
Presenting author
- Every submission (oral and poster) must name at least one presenting author.
- The presenting author (underlined) has to register for the conference.
Review and selection
- The organising committee will carefully review all submitted abstracts.
- For reasons of time and space, we may not be able to accept all contributions.
- Rejected oral contributions may be offered a poster contribution instead.
- The organising committee allocates a time-slot to each oral presentations.
- The presenting authors will be notified about acceptance and technical details by 15 July 2022.
Submitted abstracts will exclusively be used for
- Evaluation of submissions
- Publication of accepted abstracts in the conference program, circulated among participants.
At least one person per abstract submission (i.e. the presenting author) is requested to register for the congress. Co-authors and other researchers are most welcome to register and participate in the conference as well.
Important Dates
01 March 2022
Call for submission & registration
15 June 2022, extended to 03 July 2022
Abstract submissions (closed)
15 July 2022
Confirmation of contribution acceptance/rejection (completed)
After 15 August 2022
Registration remains open for late-registration